Monday 27 August 2012

Berry Ice Cream - Barry M

My first nail blog post!

This is Berry Ice Cream by Barry M, a polish that I find perfect for summer! This was 3 coats, and I absolutely love the colour!

I normally tend to stick to darker shades for my nails, as I feel they suit me more, but I couldn't resist this light colour, especially seeing it on a few of my friends!

The day after I wanted to jazz my nails up, and experiment with a new polish; so I used Bloomsbury Square by Nails Inc, a fab glitter that is so packed with glitter, I only needed 2 coats! I also put a topcoat on the accent nail, purely to eliminate the slight glittery texture.


  1. Would love to follow your blog, but you need to add a GFC widget)) Let me know if you need any help

    1. Thank you!! Okay, where do you find the widget? I could only find the "follow by email" gadget (on the design features bit) :-)

    2. I was just thinking the same!

      In your Layout tab, click on 'Add a Gadget' and in the 'Basics' section, choose 'follow by email' and 'followers' - the second one will show anyone who is following you, and allow others to add you as well.

    3. I've done it! Wahey :-) Thank you both for helping me find that out! I probably wouldn't of noticed that slightly important element! Haha, thanks again. X

  2. I'm the first! I'm the first!

    1. Yay! Thank you for following me! I love your blog, thank you so much!

    2. Aw, thank you! I remember how excited I was about my first follower. It's hard work getting people to read, and especially to comment. I get very excited when I get new followers, haha.
