Wednesday 29 August 2012

Bright Purple - Barry M

Hello! Last week I bought two new colours to add to my ever-growing Barry M collection - I now have a whopping total of 17! My newest polishes are Bright Purple and Aqua glitter.

Yesterday I was lucky to grab a brilliant bargain in TKMaxx, Sally Hansen's Strengthening Topcoat, Advanced Hard As Nails, less than half the original price! Fab! I used to have some basecoats and topcoats, but they were mainly from gift sets, so I was excited to try a popular brand!

Last night I painted my nails with a Barry M's Bright Purple. I applied 3 coats of Bright Purple, (I often only need two coats with Barry M) to achieve full consistency.

The Strengthening Topcoat was absolutely brilliant; it said to leave it two minutes between applying the nail colour then the topcoat, however I was not that speedy so left it was left a little longer. I am normally extremely careful, dreading that my nails will dent or be ruined, but within no time at all I was left with beautifully dry, shiny nails!

Due to the three coats or purple, I did find that it was slightly darker than the bottle, but that didn't bother me, I was to overwhelmed with the Top Coat!

I love how smooth and shiny my nails are - I love them!


  1. Hello! Yay for another nail blog!

    Are you in the UK? I'll add you to my British blogs list if you are.

    Am I being blind, or do you not have a follow button anywhere? I can't see how to add you!

  2. Hello, yes I'm a British blog! Thank you so much! Sorry about that slight hitch, all sorted now :-)

    1. Thanks! I'll go and add you to my Brit page right now :) You should check out some of the other blogs on there - you don't appear to be following the Nailasaurus! Everyone should follow the Nailasaurus!!
